Our Services
We can assist you with a wide range of concerns, including anything from purchasing a property to selling a home.
Ryan Kohn
- TREC #wkohn
Life has a funny way of knocking your feet out from under you, and when you think you can't get up, God puts you exactly where you need to be.
In a story way too long to be written here, I found myself discovering a passion for helping people. I have been set on a path to gain a greater personality with clients where I can get to know you and walk you through one of the most exciting and stressful times in your life.
Becoming a Texas REALTOR is much more than a job or way of making a living. It is a responsibility and a privilege and I have aligned myself with a brokerage that shares this idea and dedication with O'Hara and Company Real Estate. I would love to have the opportunity to assist you with any of your Real Estate needs from buying or selling to renting or leasing whatever your situation, I'd love to help.
Hear stories of my customer's successes.
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